
Miley Cyrus's Parents Cancel Divorced

Miley Cyrus finally able to breathe easier and happier. After various problems and pressures that hit, there is one word portion for this Disney star, namely cancellation of planned divorce of his parents!

This has been justified by his father, Billy Ray Cyrus, in an interview with The View. Billy stated that he yelah decided that it would give one more chance for marriage with Tish Cyrus.

"I canceled my divorce. I want my family together again. The situation is already as good as before. I feel I have Miley back. I feel we are a father and son before HANNAH MONTANA," he said.

Previously, Bill was blamed as the cause of destruction of the film is their family. This time, Billy popularitaslah straightening and stated that was the cause.

"HANNAH MONTANA do not destroy my family, but popularity. Sometimes when you're 'up' (in the popularity of this), you would feel bound in a rocket," he concluded. Well, congrats to Miley and her family!

source: (http://www.kapanlagi.com/showbiz/hollywood/ortu-miley-cyrus-tak-jadi-cerai.html)

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